. Unbelievably Moist Banana Bread | foodie

Unbelievably Moist Banana Bread


This Banana Bread is such an easy and delicious breakfast or dessert! It is so moist that this recipe from my mom’s cookbook will be the only recipe you will EVER use! There are hundreds, if not thousands of Banana bread recipes out there. The tough part is finding the one that is PERFECT for you!

Using simple ingredients and easy instructions, your home will be smelling like all kinds of deliciousness in no time! I’ve also included a few baker’s tips – both from my experience and my mom’s. This way you can can be sure your banana bread will come out perfectly!

Unbelievably Moist Banana Bread
This Banana Bread is such an easy and delicious breakfast or dessert! It is so moist that this recipe from my mom's cookbook will be the only recipe you will EVER use!
 Course Breakfast, Dessert
 Cuisine Breakfast, Dessert
 Prep Time 10 minutes
 Cook Time 1.5 hours
 Servings 2


2 cups sugar
1 cup soft margarine or butter, (two 1/2 cup sticks of butter)
5 eggs
2 cups flour
6 tbsp buttermilk, (reg milk will work too)
2 tsps baking soda
1-1/2 cups ripe bananas, about 4-5 small
1 cup nuts, chopped (optional)
Moist Banana Bread


Mix all ingredients together. Let mixture sit for 1 hour in the mixing bowl in room temperature. (Note: Due to banana size, the mixture may not all fit into one loaf pan; do not overflow your pan. Use two loaf pans for the extra batter)
Read full recipes here >> https://forksnflipflops.com/recipe/moist-banana-bread/?utm_content=buffer1303a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest.com&utm_campaign=buffer