. 0 Carbs Keto Chicken Salad | foodie

0 Carbs Keto Chicken Salad


When you're trying to stick to a Keto meal plan,  preparing a hot lunch everyday is pretty unrealistic. I was making several recipes on Sundays and using them for meal prep, reheat-able meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, which was delicious, but made for a really long and exhausting Sunday.

Now, I will make one new Keto recipe and keep my other meals for the week very simple. This 3 Step chicken salad recipe is the perfect cold lunch that will fit into any Keto meal plan. 

Although us Keto-ers are being told we can have Keto recipes with  butter, cheese, and chicken thighs instead of just chicken breasts, it's still important to be mindful of the ingredients and the amount of saturated fats we consume on a regular basis.

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Cook Time: 15 Mins

Makes 7 servings (111g is one serving)

What You Need

1.3 lbs of Chicken (about 3-4 chicken breasts)
7 Tablespoons of Trader Joes Organic Mayonnaise
2-3 Stalks Celery
2 -3 Table spoons Red Onion
Garlic Powder

How To Do IT

Preheat oven to 350 and bake chicken for about  25-30 minutes or until no longer pink
Cut chicken into small pieces, dice celery and onion 
Combine chicken, mayo, celery and red onion  and add salt pepper and garlic to taste ( I usually do 2-3 good shakes of the garlic  on there. PS I love garlic)