. Winter White Velvet Soup | foodie

Winter White Velvet Soup

Sometimes I do things just a bit backwards … but you’ve probably already noticed this, if you’re a regular here at The Café the process of creating this soup is the perfect example; I came up with the name before I actually came up with the recipe. Our furnace went out last weekend. That wouldn’t normally be such a big deal here in North Carolina as usually our climate is quite mild. But it just happened to be the coldest week of the season! Cold, brrrrrr ……….. like in the 20’s and 30’s! (I know, all of you in the Northern climes here in the US are snickering at what puppies we are!) We had the furnace checked out and the repairman determined that it was the motor that was on the blink. 

Sadly, that particular motor was not in stock. It had to be ordered and they said they’d call as soon as it came in.

Winter White Velvet Soup
There are a ton of healthy veggies in this delicious soup. A quick blend with an immersion blender and you've got an elegant main course or beautiful appetizer soup.
Author: Chris Scheuer

Course: Soup
Prep Time: 3 hrs 4 mins
Cook Time: 3 hrs 4 mins


2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 medium sweet yellow onion peeled and roughly chopped
2 medium leeks
2 medium shallots quartered
6 medium cloves garlic peeled and smashed
6 cups low sodium chicken broth you may need a bit more for thinning
1 medium cauliflower broken into florets
2 medium potatoes roughly chopped
2 medium parsnips peeled and cut into 1 inch slices
½ cup Feta cheese plus extra for garnish
1 ½ teaspoons kosher salt more to taste
½ teaspoon white pepper more to taste
2 tablespoons finely diced red bell pepper
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley


  1. Heat olive oil in a large Dutch oven (or stock pot) over medium heat. Add onions, leeks, shallots and garlic. Reduce heat to medium low and sauté onion mixture until soft and slightly golden, about 15 minutes.
  2. Add chicken broth, cauliflower, potatoes, parsnips, salt and white pepper. Bring mixture to a boil, then reduce to a constant simmer and cover. Cook until all veggies are very tender, about 20-25 minutes.
  3. Read Full Recipes >> thecafesucrefarine.com